The CTM-05/A and CTM-10 are 5 and 10-channel counter/timer boards for IBM PC and compatible computers. Building on the capabilities of the CTM-05 board, these boards add support for AT interrupts and the Trigger Bus, a means of synchronizing multiple DAS boards. The CTM boards use a standard 9513 counter/timer chip for event counting, pulse measurement, frequency measurement and pulse generation. An 8-bit digital input port and 8-bit digital output port are also available, along with an external interrupt.
Counter inputs are software selectable for active high/low operation. Each counter may be gated in hardware or by software. Counters can be programmed for either up/down counting in either binary or BCD. All five counters can be connected by software to form a 32, 48, 64 or 80-bit counter.
Advanced Triggering
The CTM-10 can be used to trigger DAS boards either singly or in groups through their
gate and external clock inputs. The CTM-10 has two pairs of gate/clock signals, and can be
used to synchronize DAS boards
operating at different sampling rates determined by the CTM-10 A and B counters. Trigger
Bus operation is enabled under software control by the CTM-10 board.
The CTM boards are supported by
a set of drivers and examples. The software supplied with each board includes a call driver
compatible with Microsoft C, QuickBasic, Professional Basic and Visual Basic for DOS,
and Borland Turbo C and TurboPascal. Also included is a base address setup program and
example programs for all supported languages.
Connector Pin Assignments
All counter and digital I/O for the CTM-05/A is through the rear panel of the computer.
For soldered connections, a standard 37 pin D-female is the correct mating part.
To simplify field wiring, use the STA-U Screw Terminal Board or STP-37 Screw Terminal Panel and the C-1800 cable. Direct screw terminal connection is possible with the STC-37.
For the CTM-10, both Unit A and Unit B counters are provided on a standard 50-pin D-type male connector.
The digital I/O and the remaining (seldom used) control signals are provided on a standard 25-pin D-type male connector.
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